Thursday, August 7, 2014


Welcome to the homepage of Team B: Motivating Teams.

Tina Bui
Jeff Williams

The majority of positions require some degree of teamwork.  As a manager or future manager, it is important to understand team dynamics.  Three evidence-based recommendations are outlined in this paper that can enhance team performance:
  1. Give team members the ability to make their own decisions by creating a self-managing team will provide greater team effectiveness and productivity.  People are more motivated when they feel they have more responsibility and more to contribute.
  2. Build trust through open lines of communication.  The type, quality, and quantity of communication has a direct effect on trust.  Trust was very closely tied to perceptions of organizational openness, which as a result, predicted employee involvement.  
  3. Provide your employees with developmental feedback, which will increase job performance and motivation.  Developmental feedback is not done annually, but an ongoing process.  The conversation needs to be constructive to be successful.  Managers may need to go through training to ensure the feedback will be effective.
All of the recommendations are supported by research and studies.  An additional section follows that links the benefits to human resource management.  Job satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, reduced turnover, and increased job performance are amongst the benefits.  Following the recommendations alone will not guarantee the results indicated; limitations exist for each study and need to be closely analyzed with the business in which it will be implemented.