Provide your employees
with developmental feedback, which will increase job performance and
Recent research
discovered a relationship between developmental feedback with both intrinsic
job motivation and job performance. The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation on the Relationship Between Developmental Feedback and Employee Job Performance also proved that intrinsic motivation has a positive correlation
with job performance. Developmental feedback
is defined as “the extent to which supervisors provide information that enables
employees to learn, develop, and improve at work (Zhou, 2003).” The
hypotheses attempt to discover a correlation between developmental feedback,
intrinsic motivation, and job performance, as referenced in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Theoretical
Mediation Model
Source: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation on the Relationship Between Developmental Feedback and Employee Job Performance
The hypotheses include:
- Developmental feedback will be
positively related to job performance
- Developmental feedback will be
positively related to intrinsic motivation
- Intrinsic motivation will be
positively related to job performance
- Intrinsic motivation will have
a mediating effect on the relationship between developmental feedback and
job performance
supervisor-subordinate pairs from 12 enterprises were used to determine the
relationship amongst the three tested variables. All four hypotheses were
supported using regression analysis in Table 1, hypothesis 1 (B=.245),
hypothesis 2 (B=.228), hypothesis 3 (B=.209), and hypothesis 4 (B=.160).
Table 1: Linear
Regression Analysis
Source: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation on the Relationship Between Developmental Feedback and Employee Job Performance
Although this study may pertain to more of an individual level, this
recommendation applies to managers who will lead teams; managers should use
developmental feedback to motivate their team members. In the workplace, many
companies tend to at least have an annual performance review for employees to
discuss performance, but this kind of evaluative feedback only discusses how
employees performed and what they have done in the past. According to
this study, it is important to also incorporate developmental feedback which
offers managers the chance to give employees feedback on how to develop their
futures. Examples of developmental feedback are mentoring and training
programs. Developmental feedback develops positive intrinsic motivation, which
is defined in the study as an individual’s enjoyment of the work itself rather
than external outcomes. This study implies that when a manager evaluates an
employee’s past performance while also providing opportunities for growth and
learning, the employee develops a better sense and liking for his or her job.
Developmental feedback allows employees to feel valued in the workplace,
and as mentioned in our past recommendations, the sense of value creates
motivation in employees and team members. Team Creativity; the Effects of Perceived Learning Culture, Developmental Feedback and Team Cohesion discusses
developmental feedback related organizational culture.
The first limitation of
this study is that it was conducted in China and results could have reflected
Chinese culture specifically. Results could have differed had the study been
conducted in any other country. Although this study was conducted in
China, we believe that if a similar study were conducted in the United States,
results may be similar. Also, the study was conducted in a survey format, which
could have had biases that results could not measure. This study also only
studied how developmental feedback led to intrinsic motivation and did not
study any other factors that could have a role in encouraging intrinsic
motivation. We believe this because of our previous studies in the
organizational behavior class, as well as from our previous recommendations,
that when companies and leaders show their employees their value to an
organization, they in turn have more motivation to perform well.
Works Cited
Guo, Yun, Jianqiao Liao,
and Zanhong Zhang. "The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation on the
Relationship Between Developmental Feedback and Employee Job Performance."
Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal. June 2014.
Web. 28 July 2014. <>.
Joo, Baek-Kyoo, Ji Hoon
Song, Doo Hun Lim, and Seung Won Yoon. "Team Creativity; the Effects of
Perceived Learning Culture, Developmental Feedback and Team Cohesion." International
Journal of Training and Development. 2012. Web. 28 July 2014.
Pfeffer, Jeffrey, and
Robert Sutton. Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-truths & Total Nonsense:
Profiting from Evidence-based Management. Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School, 2006. Print.
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